
Racist Letter And Noose Found In Mailbox Of Texas Activist Dr. Candice Matthews


On Sunday morning, Dr. Candice Matthews, who is an activist and the State Chair of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, found a handwritten note and rope tied into a noose in her mailbox, in Spring, Texas.

The note referred to both the Department of Family Protective Services and Health and Human Services.

“Dr. Candice Matthews, stay out of our business with the DFPS and HHSC ‘N-word.’ If you don’t, we will use this rope and drag you like James Byrd,” the letter stated.

“F-you N-word and N-word providers, You have been warned N-word,” the letter added.

Dr. Matthews provided a statement on the matter.

“I’ve been exposing…HHSC and DFPS for over a month and a half in reference to dealing with crimes against children, and how I was able to find out about it was because the children were reaching out to me via social media.”

No motive has been found as of yet.

“My family is very upset behind this. This is unacceptable, and I feel some kind of way about it, and I’m highly pissed off,” she said.

Matthews stated that she will still fight for justice and equality for everyone.

“I want people to do right by children. I want people to do right by the providers who are helping these kids. Level the playing field and cut the racist crap,” Dr. Matthews added.

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