
Principal Who Withheld Diplomas During Graduation Ceremony is Replaced


The principal that made headlines last month for withholding diplomas during a Philadelphia graduation ceremony has been replaced.

Lisa Mesi, the leader at Philadelphia High School for Girls, sparked controversy after she denied at least 2 girls their diplomas during the ceremony.

According to reports, graduates were informed of the rules that needed to be followed during the graduation ceremony. There was to be no cheering, dancing, or any noise from the family members as they walked across the stage.

The rules, which were handed down by Principal Mesi herself seemed over-the-top to many students and families who believe it was a day of celebration.

Hafsah Abdul-Rahman and Saleemah Burch were two of the girls who walked across the stage to receive their diplomas, only to be denied them.

The girls say they were filled with an overwhelming sense of embarrassment.

Shortly after news started to spread about the incident, the district released a statement saying they do not condone the withholding of diplomas or certificates.

It’s unclear if Mesi resigned from her position or if she was fired, however; the announcement of the new “substitute principal”, Janis Butler, has been made public.


  1. Well we see who runs the asylum here. Wonder why that rule was there and why they thought they should break it

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