
Pregnant Woman Killed In Florida SWAT Raid


A pregnant,21 year old, Alteria Woods was killed on Sunday in Indian River County, Fla after being use as a shield by her boyfriend during a swat raid.
According to cbs12 Ms. Woods was an innocent bystander in this sad situation. Sheriff deputies say they were going to execute a warrant for Andrew Coffee Jr. and Sr. and that Coffee Jr opened fire and when he did so he used his 4 month pregnant girlfriend as a shield when police shot back.
Although Ms. Woods was killed both men were taken into custody and Andrew Jr.’s bond was set at 307,000 and his fathers bond was set at 93,000. The familyis looking for answers regarding Alteria’s death but at this time police are just saying it’s a very sad situation and she was an innocent bystander that was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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