


A new stimulus check could possibly be making its round next week.
A draft is expected to be displayed via draft by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for stimulus legislation after congress return from recess next week. With some Input by the White House, Senate Republicans drafted the new stimulus idea. Seeing as how the Republicans control fifty three seats in the U.S. Senate, McConnell needs the bipartisan support for his new stimulus idea as both party’s will most likely have a “wish list” about items for both Democrats and Republicans on mutual importance/benefits.
The second stimulus check will most likely be included in the next stimulus bill, as both members of the two parties and the President all support the the makings of the stimulus check. But the the amount and the criteria eligibility are currently up for debate.
Question are being made, How much will be in the next stimulus check? How will people qualify for a second stimulus check?
It was stated that if there was to be another stimulus check, it will most deferentially NOT be a recurring payment. McConnell also mention that this check may only ably to Americans who make up to forty thousand Dollars a year. It is not yet clear on what the criteria will be to even qualify and it is also unclear yet on how much the second stimulus check will even amount to. It could be less then the first stimulus check.

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