
Parents of Oxford School Shooter Sentenced 10 to 15 Years in Prison


The parents of Ethan Crumbley, who killed 4 students after opening fire at his Michigan high school in 2021, were both sentenced to prison on Tuesday morning.

Jennifer and James Crumbley were each convicted of four counts of involuntary manslaughter earlier this year. They were accused of negligently dismissing their son’s behavior which ultimately led to the Oxford Mass School Shooting.

Their trials, which were done separately, showcased how they were aware of Ethan’s mental state and failed to take action. Additionally, they purchased a gun for Ethan and were aware of his access to it.

They were both sentenced to “between 10 and 15 years” in prison and are the first parents in U.S. History to ever be charged and convicted for involvement in a mass school shooting.

Ethan is currently serving his life sentence.


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