
Owner Of Day Care Sentenced After Hiding 26 Kids In Basement


Carla Faith, a day care owner from Colorado, was convicted of holding 26 kids secretly in the basement of her business.

Now, Faith has been given six years in prison. This comes after the parents’ of some of the children detailed how their kids now experience anxiety and sleeping issues.

In August, Faith was found guilty of over 24 misdemeanor child abuse charges and other offenses.

Her day care provisions only permitted her to look after six children at a time and only two children could be under the age of 2. However, when authorities visited the Mountain Play Place day care, they discovered 25 kids in the basement and twelve were under the age of two.

It was noted that several of the kids had dirty diapers, needed something to drink, and were perspiring.

Initially, Faith told police no children were there. After hearing cries, and finding a fake wall, the kids were located.

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