
Over 40 Hotels Have Been Sued For Human Trafficking


One TikToker, @keithellerbee, brought attention to many that more than 40 hotels have been sued for human trafficking.

Reports show that big hotel companies like Wyndam Hotels and Resorts, Red Roof Inns, and Choice Hotels International have been accused of letting human trafficking occur at their hotels, resulting in greater profits for the businesses.

In 2019, the first lawsuit in the nation, against hotels for human trafficking, was filed in Ohio. This is where most of the cased have been filed, under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Since then, many other cases have been filed across the country.

One law firm notes that victims have described being handcuffed to toilets, and hotels turning a “blind eye” to what they see.

In addition to paying fines, if hotels are found liable for human trafficking, they could lose their license.

The first lawsuit out of 40 is expected to go to trial next year.


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