
Over 40 Deputies Investigated for Gang-Like Groups within the Department


The oversight for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has identified more than 40 deputies tied to gang-like groups within it’s agency.

The agency announced on Thursday they would be undertaking a full-scale investigation into these gangs and the deputies who are members.

Inspector General Max Huntsman said his office gathered enough information to compile a list of Deputies’ that are affiliated. 11 deputies allegedly belong to the Banditos, which operate out of the East L.A. Sheriff’s Station, and 30 alleged Executioners from the Compton Sheriff’s Station.

The Sheriff’s Department has faced allegations that these groups of deputies operate using aggressive police tactics. Members would also typically get matching tattoos and go by names such as the Grim Reapers and Jump Out Boys.

Despite the years of documented history of this issue, the department has failed to eliminate these gangs.

This investigation will look into the effectiveness of the department’s existing policies. It will ensure all rules are being followed and that disciplinary action will be taken if needed.

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