
Ohio Mom Says Christian School Expelled Her Two Daughters Because She “Committed Adultery”


A single Ohio mother says her two daughters were expelled from a Christian school because she was living in sin and committing adultery.
According to reports Summer Grant,30 has two daughters Summara Ryan,10 and Summaia Ryan,7 that were attending Chapel Hill Christian School when they were dismissed from the school last Friday with only 30 days remaining on the school year.
Grant says she initially thought they were being kicked out because her daughter Summara had an incident on the school bus that Wednesday and had not responded to the bus driver when he was calling her name.
Grant spoke with school administrator John Wilson and board of education Jeff Sumner and they informed her during a phone conversation she recorded that she was violating school covenant policies, living in sin by not being married and that her daughters incident on the bus had nothing to do with their dismissal from the school.
The board of education and school administrators released a statement stating “While we believe it would be wrong to make public the particular circumstances that led to this separation, out of concern for the privacy of the family, we also felt that dismissal was necessary in order to protect the safety of our children and their families”.
The school says they have all parents sign an agreement to reflect a commitment to the cause of Christ. Grant says she does not remember signing any agreement.

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