30-year-old MaryLee Robinson has been released from custody in St. Charles Parish in Louisiana. She is facing multiple charges, including interfering with an investigation and battery of a police officer.
The incident that occurred on Monday night was captured on video. It is raising concerns on whether her arrest was excessive.
Authorities were arresting Robinson’s brother, Keith Robinson Jr., 26, on a felony probation warrant. Deputy Henry Sill had used his taser in order to prevent Robinson Jr. from running. It didn’t work, and the man continued to run.
Authorities say that after he was finally caught, he and his sister exchanged words. Officers then told her not to interfere. He was being put in the back of a patrol vehicle. Then, MaryLee began screaming at Keith Robinson Jr. and the deputies.
Robinson had been recording what was going on as officers demanded that she step back. The woman didn’t adhere to the commands, and a tussle began between her and Sill.
The sheriff’s office supported the deputy and the measures that he took. Robinson doesn’t understand why the officer behaved in the manner that he did.
“I was really just confused. Like why is my hair being pulled, and why am I not being told to freeze and being punched on? Why am I being thrown up against the trailer after surrendering and not fighting back?” she stated.
Robinson added that she is happy that she was released, never thinking she would experience an occurrence like she did.
Robinson was transported to a hospital, upon being freed, because of medical issues.
The sheriff’s office and the NAAP are independently looking into the matter.
On June 20, Robinson is planned to appear in court again.