
North Texas Man Freed Because Of New DNA Evidence After Serving 10 Years For Murder


Willie Thomas from Fort Worth is out on bail after serving more than 10 years in prison on a murder conviction. He was serving time for a 2009 robbery and murder at a Fort Worth nightclub. He was given a life sentence without the possibility of parole and maintained his innocence throughout.

Thomas’ release came after DNA evidence in his case was looked at again with more advanced methods. The results from this showed that Thomas was ruled out of his DNA being on the murder weapon.

His conviction was based on statements from two men who were involved in the robbery that led to murder. They received a plea bargain that lowered their sentences and testified against Thomas. 

Now with the new DNA results he is offered another chance in court and was granted bail in the mean time. Innocence Project of Texas is a nonprofit organization that fights wrongful convictions. They are working hard with their lawyers and determined to get him fully exonerated and a freed man again.


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