
North Forney High School Graduate Tyler Amber Receives First-Ever Mr. Cajun’s Scholarship Award


On Wednesday night, Kia Mitchell, of Mr. Cajun’s Daiquiri, in Forney, Texas, awarded the business’s first scholarship to Tyler Amber.

Tyler is a graduate of the class of 2023 at North Forney High School and plans to attend Texas Southern University, beginning this summer.

Because Tyler wants to make a difference in the lives of the younger generation, he has decided to major in Entertainment and Business Management. This way, he will be able to educate the youth in the community about music and the business aspects of the industry.

Paul Taylor has been said to have created the Mr. Cajun’s College scholarship, and the Forney Juneteeth Festival’s education committee members, Toni Franklin and Debra McGhee were praised for their hard work on the project.

Mr. Cajun’s Daiquiri is now taking the scholarship award to New Orleans.

They have encouraged anyone who would like to donate in order to generate more funds for the scholarship to please do so.

471 Marketplace Blvd.

Unit #220

Forney, Texas 75216


  1. Way to Go Ty!

    And a big thank you Mr Cajun for creating the opportunity and reinvesting in our youth.

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