
New Texas Law Will Require Drunk Drivers To Pay Child Support To Their Victims Children

Courtesy: MGN Online

A new law in Texas will require drunk drivers who kill parents to pay child support to the victims minor children.

House Bill 393 was signed earlier this month and goes into effect on September 1, 2023. The bill states that any person convicted of intoxicated manslaughter will be ordered to pay restitution to the victims minor children until they are 18 or graduate high school.

It also states that a judge will determine the amount the offender must pay. The judge will also consider multiple factors such as the child’s financial and educational needs, the emotional state as well as the type of lifestyle the child was accustomed to.

If the offender is sentenced to prison they will have to begin payments within a year from their release.
The courts will also keep up with the payments and begin a payment plan for them.


  1. Great idea, but the current courts can’t effectively enforce child support from biological parents. This is a bridge too far without change from the attorney generals enforcement procedures. We are owed over 50k in back child support that we will never see. Dead beats will be dead beats.

  2. My cousin was killed by a drunk driver in Bryan County Oklahoma. And the convicted driver had to pay child support for 3 children, because she was a single mother ab
    And the sole provider. He never missed a payment

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