
New Record Breaking COVID-19 Cases In Dallas County


Friday had record breaking cases of positive COVID-19 when many businesses reopened at a reduced capacity, according to Dallas County.
187 new cases and two deaths were reported by the Health Officials. It was claimed to be the second day in a row to have set a new single-day record of the Coronavirus.
The eighty percent that were hospitalized were reported to have been of the “essential workers” such as transportation, food/agriculture, first responder, and health care.
Judge Clay Jenkins of Dallas County urged the public not to just go outside because they can.
Although restaurants and businesses believe that they have a way to open their doors in a safe manner.
Statewide restaurants have opened up as long as the capacity limit is under twenty-five and following strict sanitation guidelines.
The increase of the COVID-19 is claimed to be due to the decision to expand testing for frontline workers who did not show the symptoms contracted with the Coronavirus stated by the County Epidemiologist.
Judge Clay Jenkins states, “What we’ve got to do now in the face of a climbing number of deaths and cases and governors orders that put more opportunity for us to be around each other and spread infection, It’s up to each one of us to make smart choices. Is it really a good time to go sit in a restaurant as opposed to picking your food to take out.”

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