
Neiman Marcus CEO Criticized For Only Wanting Wealthy Shoppers At His Stores


The chief executive of Neiman Marcus has been receiving employee criticism. This comes after he stated that the luxury chain is expected to focus on its richest customers. This has lead to some sales employees believing that many customers will be alienated.

In an interview last month, CEO Geoffroy van Raemdonck stated that a small, 2% portion of the company’s clients accounts for about 40% of its business. Thus, the company is set to focus more on those ‘well-heeled’ customers and focus less on the rest, he said.

“Many customers shop at Neiman Marcus 25 times a year and spend $27,000. I see much more risk in having a one-time transaction where I don’t know if you will ever come back,” van Raemdonck stated.

This left some of the top sales representatives for the luxury department store bewildered. One unidentified rep stated that a customer who purchased $5,000 worth of items at Neiman Marcus in the last year discussed Raemdonck’s interview and was “personally insulted.”

“I’m scrambling now,” the rep stated.

“What about the future millionaires?” the sales rep continued. “We work so hard to create a welcoming culture at our store for everyone, and now we have our CEO excluding some that come in. He’s actually hurting us and our future.”

Van Raemdonck also said that the department store won’t be selling “everywhere on the price spectrum, from clearance to high-end jewelry,” citing that the aim will be more towards the more affluent clients.

“Many of us who who sell are extremely upset. Not all of our clients spend $27,000, and they aren’t millionaires. Why would he say this and alienate some of our customers-with such a snobbish tone,” a store rep questioned.

“They may not be important to him, but they are to us. We have personal relationships with all sorts. And we work on commission,” the rep added.


  1. Wow. This explains why minorities are followed and practically harassed while shopping Black in your store.

    1. Sh*t they have reason to. I’m black and I get followed and it’s all on us, we did this to ourselves covering for our criminals has it’s consequences. You don’t get much on the net and see us on video acting a dam fool?

      1. Other people steal, but they have a better chance of successfully getting away with it because they’re not watched like we are.

        1. CEO of Neiman Marcus should be fired immediately for his stupid comments..

          I am not rich but I spend a whole lot of money.. I will never shut there again and will take my business to Nordstrom’s where they have the same products.

  2. The CEO’s job is to MAXIMIZE PROFITS, period. If he fails to do that, he’s fired. If some employees don’t like it go work at Wal-Mart or Target!

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