On Tuesday morning, at about 7:15 a.m., a driver is said to have been involved in a fight, stabbed a witness, stole vehicles, and struck other drivers, following a wreck. This occurred as morning rush hour was taking place on I-635 in Dallas.
After the incident, three people were transported to a medical facility, and traffic was backed up extensively.
The Texas Department of Transportation reported that the westbound lanes and two lanes on the shoulder were blocked at Forest Lane.
At about 11:30 a.m., the wreck was finally cleared.
Authorities say that the suspect who was in the wreck began to fight another driver. Then, when another driver attempted to break up the fight, the suspect stabbed that person.
When a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) worker observed the wreck and tried to help, the suspect got into the employee’s car, struck the worker, and wrecked.
After the suspect got out of the vehicle, multiple people detained him until authorities arrived to the location.
The suspect was then apprehended. Angel Zamora Moreno, 26, has been charged with multiple counts of aggravated assault for stabbing a bystander, stealing cars and hitting other drivers with the stolen cars.
The driver who was attacked by the suspect was listed in critical condition while the other two victims were said to be in stable condition.