Rebecca Kipp, 24, has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was given a 20 year punishment for the killing of her 3-month-old son, Nickolas Bryan.
Authorities said that Kipp’s infant died after being discovered face-down on a soft couch at a residence in Macon, Georgia, in 2019. His face had been smashed in between two cushions. Kipp offered officers several stories of what happened to the child.
She then confessed that she got frustrated with him, left him on the couch, and went to bed. The infant was said to be by himself from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. when her mother arrived home.
Detectives also found that Kipp had postpartum depression when Nikolas died.
Officials have said that the case is about negligent homicide, and an autopsy found that the baby most likely suffocated on the cushions because he wasn’t able to raise his own head.
The Center of Disease Control and Prevention suggests that infants be put on their backs when going to sleep, and the surface shouldn’t contain soft padding.
Smdh..20 yrs?!? Dats it? Chit she will do 10 n get out n do the other 10 on paper ..crazy how cop killers get more time then baby killers😩