
Mother Files Lawsuit Against School District Regarding Her OnlyFans Account


Victoria Triece, a mother from Florida, has filed a lawsuit against Orange County Public Schools. This comes after she was prohibited from volunteering at her child’s school because of her OnlyFans account.

“I don’t think any mom, any dad, anybody in the position that I’m in should be going through this. Be told what you do in your private life will affect you seeing your children in any realm at all. It’s just a, morally it’s just wrong,” she said.

Triece uploads images for the subscription-based website OnlyFans. She thinks another parent sent posts from her account to the Orange County school board close to 18 months ago.

“The reason I even started with OnlyFans was because I didn’t want a 9 to 5. I wanted to still be involved,” she said.

Now, Triece has only been able to volunteer virtually at her youngest child’s schoool.

“I do it all, but I do it all like a robot you know, sitting behind the screen, trying to manage everything,” she said. “I’m Virtual Mom!”

Her lawsuit says that the district lessened her volunteering opportunities and gave out her images to staff, administrators, and the media.

Sources say that the district hasn’t gotten this complaint as of yet, but a complaint prior to this one was denied in circuit court.

“Triece was a volunteer for five years, passed the annual background checks, and doesn’t have a criminal record. Her attorneys question what this situation means for other parents,” reports say.

“If they’re involved in multiple sex partners, are they prevented from seeing their children at school? If they work in the adult industry as a topless dancer or as a male dancer, are they prevented from seeing their children at school? Where does this stop?” questioned Lawyer Mark NeJame.

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