
Mother Dies After Shipwreck, Saves Her Children’s Lives


Marley Chacon, a mother from Venezuela, passed away in a shipwreck. She had drunk her own urine and breastfed her children to help them survive.

When the cruise ship, Thor, wrecked, she was on it with her husband, nanny, and two children, 6 and 2.

They were headed to Tortuga Island from Higuerote when a powerful wave struck the vessel. The bottom part of the boat disconnected, and the family was split apart for four days.

They were then helpless in a lifeboat in extremely hot weather. When emergency crews looked for the family, they were only able to locate the two children, clinging to their mother’s deceased body.

Medical experts say that Chacon was dehydrated, and as a result, her organs weren’t functioning properly.

She died three hours before rescue crews could reach her. The children experienced dehydration and first-degree burns.

Chacon’s husband and five others have yet to be located.

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