
Mother Delivers Her Baby Boy On Side Of The Road As Her Other Kids Waited In Vehicle


Heather Skaats, a mother from Kentucky, had a baby while her five other kids were in the vehicle.

“I was having light contractions before we left. So, I figured I had time to run an errand,” said Skaats, 34. She added that her baby wasn’t due for three more weeks, and she suffered in labor for hours when she birthed her other children.

However, unexpectedly, the mom’s contractions began to get worse and were coming closer together.

Skaats began to drive faster as she wanted to make it to her residence to have a home water birth as she had planned. Soon, she knew that she wasn’t going to make it.

“I pulled over, assured the kids that everything was OK, grabbed my phone, and got out of the van,” stated Skaats.

As she was in a squat posture, her water broke.

“I put my hand down there, and his head started coming out of my body. I didn’t even have to push. It was so quick. I was on the phone with my husband, Nick. 20 seconds later, I was like, ‘He’s here!'”

With her quickness, Skaats was able to catch the 7-pound baby boy.

Although the baby was still connected to her placenta inside her body, Skaats got back in the car with her kids, ages 2 to 13.

“I wrapped him in blanket and drove with him close to my chest. I think the kids were in shock. They were pretty quiet,” she added.

When they got home, Skaats delivered her placenta while she took a shower. She was assisted by her 13-year-old daughter, Kaelynn, until the midwife could get to the home.

“It think having home births in the past sort of taught me to trust my body. Knowing the process really helped,” the mom said.

Skaats and her spouse hadn’t come up with a name for their newborn. However, they were deciding on Porter or Wolf, the streets close to where the baby boy was born.

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