
Mother Confesses That 4-Year-Old Daughter Had Died Weeks Prior To Reporting Her Missing


New information has been released in the death of 4-year-old Sequoia Samuels, from Memphis, Tennessee. Reports indicate that the child’s mother, Brittani Jackson, confessed that her daughter had been dead for weeks prior to her being reported missing on Thursday.

Documents show that Jackson told authorities that she had been at home with her two kids and two kids that were related to her boyfriend. She stated that she had given Sequoia water and went to sleep. Then, her boyfriend, Jaylon Hobson, arrived home and went to sleep. Jackson said that she woke up on Thursday morning, her door was ajar, and her daughter wasn’t in the home.

When Jackson was interviewed, her story changed. She then told police that Hobson had beat Sequoia many times prior to her giving a false report. She stated that Sequoia lost consciousness during the last beating and never became responsive. She added that she never tried to assist her daughter.

Hobson put the child in garbage bags where they remained for many weeks until Thursday. That’s when the pair put the child’s body in a trash bin located at the apartments, the mother confessed.

Hobson told authorities that he wasn’t responsible for Sequoia’s death and hadn’t seen her since Sunday, June 11, 2023. However, authorities say that isn’t true because of the advanced decomposition state that the body, thought to be Sequoia’s, was in.

Jackson is facing charges of child neglect, abuse of a corpse, and false offense reporting. Hobson has been charged with false reporting. The couple was placed in the Shelby County Jail without bail. They are due in court on June 20.

A missing endangered child alert initially went out, but it was canceled on Friday after authorities believed that Sequoia was dead.

An investigation is continuing.


  1. Both of them need to be put under the f**king prison. I can never understand why or how could a mother carry a child and let a worthless piece of s**t take there child’s life. D**k could never be that good enough for me to let any man or woman abuse my child or any other child. Another sad part about this is that some woman can’t even have children and would have loved to be this baby’s mother. Stop spreading your legs woman if you know you’ll never live up to being a good mother and not choosing a man before your own flush and blood. Mother’s are suppose to protect there children not stand by and let them be killed by the hands of a stranger or anybody in that matter. Keep your legs closed if you don’t ever think you can’t live up to the word Mother, the word Mother carries a lot of weight you have to be strong minded over anything and everything. Poor child was murder because her monster of a mom let d**k brain wash her. Rest in Heaven sweet baby!!

    1. I couldn’t have said it better! These scum bags shouldn’t be provided safe harbor anywhere. They should give them life without the possibility of parole. Then put them in the general population of the prison. And at mail call hand out the arresting reports to every inmate on the yard. Then open the yard up for recreation. Let them see how it feels to be tortured. Let’s the sharks feed.

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