A man in Moorhead, Minnesota is being accused of rubbing hot sauce and cayenne pepper in his 2 month old daughters eyes and cutting of her breathing passages until she turned blue in the face.
Reports are saying that Shawn Foltz, 31, has been arrested and charged with neglect of a child, malicious punishment of a child and two counts of third degree assault. The child’s mother took the infant to the hospital after she picked her up from her fathers house and saw bruises and marks all over the infant she face and body.
Initially Foltz denied all allegations but after several hours of questioning he broke down and told police investigators that he would slap the infant with a wet towel or throw hot water and fireworks in her face whenever she would cry.
Foltz is currently being held in Clay County jail with a $100,000 bail and his attorney has not been reached to comment at this time.
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