
Marsalis Elementary Fourth Grader Wins 2024 MLK Oratory Competition

Courtesy: Jeff Dietz/ Dallas ISD

On Friday, some fourth and fifth graders from Dallas ISD were a part of the 32nd annual Foley and Lardner MLK Junior Oratory Competition.

They were asked to speak about their opinion of how Dr. King would reflect on the past 60 years.

Aiden Body, a 9-year-old, fourth grader from Marsalis Elementary School in Dallas, was named as the winner of the competition.

“Today is our payday. If someone says you can’t have this job, say no, it’s my payday… The wrong skin color, say no, it’s my payday. If someone says you can’t live here, say no, it’s my payday…,” Body said during his speech.

“How would Dr. King reflect in the 60 years since his ‘I Have A Dream’ speech? I think if he was still alive, he would tell us it is now time to speak up and claim our money from the bank of freedom, prosperity, and peace. Today is our payday,” he added.

Body stated that winning the competition felt as if his wishes came true and as if he is a celebrity.

He added that his future goal is to be a police officer, and he got to meet the Dallas police chief following the competition. The chief even gave Body his badge.

Not only did all the finalists receive a new Apple iPad and other rewards, but Body also received $2,000 as the winner.


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