
Man’s Penis Size Decreases After Having COVID-19


A 30-year-old man has said that his penis decreased in size by 1.5 inches after being infected with COVID-19 in July.

The unidentified man wrote into a podcast, “How To Do It.” He said that after being in the hospital, he suffered from erectile dysfunction.

After he got medical assistance for the problem, he saw something had changed. “My penis has shrunk,” he stated. “It’s apparently due to vascular damage. My doctors seem to think it’s likely permanent.”

“Before I got sick, I was above average. Not huge, but definitely bigger than normal. Now, I’ve lost about an inch and a half and become decidedly less than average,” he added.

A March 2021 study analyzed 100 sexually active men. 25 had previously had COVID-19 and 75 hadn’t. It discovered that 28% in the COVID positive group had experienced erectile dysfunction and only 9% had experienced it in the COVID negative group.

Urologist Ashley G. Winter responded to the man by saying that his claims could be true.

“You get hard because a whole bunch of blood moves into your penis and stays there. When those blood vessels are affected, you know, then you can get the erectile dysfunction.”

It was suggested that  men wit this problem try “penis push-ups,” buy a “penis vacuum,” and start Viagra or Cialis.

1 Comment

    “The unidentified man wrote into a podcast, “How To Do It.” He said that after being in the hospital, he suffered from erectile dysfunction.”

    So, my questions would be: (1) “What sorts of treatments were administered while the man was in the hospital?”. (2) “Did the man get vaccinated during this time?”, (3) “Have any other causes even remotely been considered, or is this a tunnel-visioned attempt to coerce men into getting vaccinated?”

    The story cries of desperation.

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