
Man Who Murdered His Father As A 14-Year-Old Will Be Let Out Of Prison Early


Although it isn’t what they wanted, North Carolina officials have comprised to a plea deal with Nathanael High, 34. He has been imprisoned since 2002 for the killing of his father.

Nathanael was handed down a life sentence in 2004 when he was 15-years-old. He had been found guilty of murder and robbery.

On Wednesday, he entered a plea deal after a U.S. Supreme Court order that makes a life sentence for minors, found guilty of murder, invalid.

On February, 10, 2002, Nathanael and his 13-year-old girlfriend, fatally shot his father, Randy High, while he was asleep in bed. The pair were said to have gone to eat ice cream afterwards.

Randy, the Chief of Police at the Gaston College Police Department, was accused of being extremely abusive. However, Nathanael stated in court, “Nothing my dad ever did to me means he deserved what happened to him…”

Nathanael High could get out of prison in 2023. This would be a year prior to his girlfriend being released. She was found guilty of second-degree murder.


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