
Man Sentenced To 212 Years In Prison After Killing Two Autistic Sons For Insurance Payout


Ali F. Elmezayen got life insurance policies for his two children who were autistic. He then researched when he could cash out without looking suspicious.

Almost two weeks after the deadline came around, he drove his vehicle off of a pier with his former wife and two boys inside.

Elmezayen, from California, was able to get out through the window as the vehicle began to go under water. His ex-wife lived, but their two kids Abdelkarim, 8, and Elhassan,13 drowned.

Initially, the father told authorities it was an accident. After looking into the matter further, he was charged with planning the whole thing.

Elmezayen, 45, was convicted of wire fraud and other offenses. He received 212 years in prison.

His ex-wife stated in court that he was abusive to her and faced money problems.

She also said that as the car went into the water, she yelled, “Stop!Stop!” A witness saw what happened and threw her a life preserver.


  1. Before all of this hoo ha concerning the ‘Yr of the Expert’ last
    year, there clearly was another year when the pro revealed what they’re made from.

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