Man Kills His Mother, Cousin, And Ex- Girlfriend’s New Partner, In Separate Shootings, Within 1 Hour

On Monday night, a man went on a killing spree, fatally shooting three women. They were his mom, his cousin, and his former girlfriend’s new partner. All the killings occured at different times and areas, in Florida.
Prior to the shootings happening, the suspect, Javontee Brice, 28, went to an apartment in Palmetto where his sister and former girlfriend were.
“He looked at the ex-girlfriend and said, ‘I have to kill you.’ Somehow, the sister was able to talk him down and talk him out of shooting the ex-girlfriend. She later told investigators that he was acting very strange,” authorities say.
Brice then traveled to a Motel 6 in another city where his mother, young sisters, and his mother’s boyfriend were staying.
Close to 9:15 p.m., he went into that hotel room, peered at his mother, and said, “I’m sorry,” authorities say.
She asked her son what he had done, and Brice then shot her three times.
Afterwards, he drove to a home where his cousin had been at a cookout. Brice shot his cousin as she was entering her car, getting ready to leave, at about 9:40 p.m. The 29-year-old cousin was declared deceased an hour later.
Following that shooting, Brice went to another former girlfriend’s home that she shared with her new partner. At 10:04 p.m., he fatally shot the new partner.
After a statewide alert had gone out, Brice’s vehicle was tracked to Hamilton County, close to the state line with Georgia
Authorities think that he may have been headed to Georgia to kill another one of his former girlfriends.
Brice was pulled over by officers at about 1:30 a.m. He then exited his vehicle and started shooting at them.
The officers shot back, killing him.
A woman was with Brice when he was pulled over, and she is now being questioned.
Authorities are also questioning family members to determine what exactly Brice may have been going through at the time.
“We don’t know what set this man off. We don’t know why he chose to kill his loved ones, and we may never know. But, we will continue to investigate.