
Man In Waxahachie Robbed And Shot While Trying To Purchase A Tesla


The Waxahachie police are investigating a robbery and shooting that occurred on Saturday evening in the 1800 block of Longbranch Road.

A man, named Steve, stated that he and his son met a man that they found on Facebook Marketplace who had a Tesla for sale. The son had been involved in a car accident previously and was disabled. Therefore, he was in search of an autonomous car his son could operate.

“They were asking $35,000 for it, and it’s valued at $45,000 to $50,000. We called Tesla, and the guy said it’s a great deal and that if we didn’t take it, then he would.

Steve stated that he believed that he was going to the seller’s residence. The shooter blocked him in the gated driveway as he pulled up behind Steve. He then demanded that Steve give him the money as he pointed a gun to his head.

As the man walked away, he began to fire shots at Steve’s vehicle before getting into his car and leaving.

Eight shots were fired with one bullet hitting Steve in the back. He drove away and called 911. He was met by emergency crews who assisted him and transported him to a hospital. He was later released.

It is believed that the suspect posts fake ads in order to rob people. He is described as White or Hispanic with brown hair and a beard. He was traveling in a silver vehicle that has small square headlights.


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