
Man Headbutts His Father-In-Law To Death Inside Of A Fort Worth Bar


A man is wanted for murder after head butting his father-in-law to death in Fort Worth, Texas at a bar.

On August 12, John Birdwell, 38, met up at Woody’s Tavern on Bryant Irvin Road to talk to his wife’s father Robert Bearden, 66.

Witnesses heard the two conversing about Birdwell and his wife’s troubled marriage. The Father-in-law was trying to convince Birdwell to sign the divorce papers.

Footage shows Birdwell grabbing Bearden’s head and head butting him three times. He continued to head butt him even after Bearden was unconscious.

Once people in the bar pulled Birdwell away, he fled the scene.

Bearden was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead due to his injuries.

Birdwell is now wanted for injury to the elderly with severe bodily injury.


    1. First thing that came to my mind.

      “Wanted for injury to the elderly with severe bodily injury”

      With a side of murder!

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