
Man Found Sleeping In A Pile Of Stolen Chicken Fingers And Drugs Inside A Press box


An Alabama man was found asleep in a sports complex press box with stolen chicken fingers, candy and Meth last week.
According to reports Matthew Williamson,37 was arrested on September 17 and charged with unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle and theft of property.
He was taken to Jefferson County jail where he posted bond 2 hours later.
He then stole a vehicle and hid it in Pleasant Grove, Alabama.
On September 22 officers received a call regarding someone breaking into the concession stand at the Pleasant Grove Athletic Complex.
The next morning officers found Williamson asleep in the press box near a pile of stolen chicken fingers, chips, candy and meth.
He was arrested and taken back to Jefferson County jail. He is being held on a $32,000 bond.


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