
Man Claims He Was Denied Employment Because His Penis Is Too Large


A man, only known as Joe, has claimed that he was rejected from a place of employment because it was believed that he had an erection while interviewing for a job.

Joe was seen on a British television network that featured a show titled, “My Massive C—,” which captures stories from well-endowed men.

As some seem to be pleased with their large appendages, others were looking to have reduction surgery to blend in with their peers and strangers.

Joe is one person who stated that his large penis is getting in the way of him having a normal life.

“The scaling is off, quite off. It’s thicker than my forearm. It’s about 7 inches around,” he commented. He added that he has to wear special underwear that contains “pouches” to get everything in and to ensure that his penis won’t fall out.

He also discussed how his briefs caused things to go bad during a job interview.

“The response I got was, ‘You’re not going to get the job. We thought you were a good candidate, but we thought inappropriate behavior was happening,'” he said. “They thought I had an erection throughout the whole interview.”

A summary at the end of the show stated, “An extra large penis is an object of desire for many. But, for some men, it complicates their lives and relationships. Penis surgery reduction seems to be the only answer.”

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