
Man Caught Wearing Fake Arm To COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic


On Thursday, Filippa Bua, a nurse in Italy, noticed a 50 year-old man had something weird going on with his arm.

The man had visited the COVID-19 vaccination clinic in order to get vaccinated and receive a certificate.

“The color of the skin was anomalous, much lighter compared to the hands or the face of the patient,” the nurse stated.

After further analysis, she discovered the man had a fake, silicone arm. “At first, I thought it was a mistake…,” she said.

The man admitted to the act and begged the nurse to keep the incident private. However, she contacted authorities, and the man was arrested and faces fraud charges.

In Italy, it is a requirement that all healthcare workers are vaccinated. After investigating, it was determined that the man worked in the healthcare industry. He had already been suspended from work because of his refusal to get vaccinated.


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