
Man Attempts Suicide Because Son Is Still Unmarried


A man collapsed to the ground after providing security guards with a note and saying he overdosed on a medicine. The incident occured last week at the Shanghai, China Rail Station.

Authorities say that the 55-year-old wrote the letter to his son and called his life embarrassing because his 29-year-old son still didn’t have a mate.

“People of my age in the village all have children and grandchildren already. But you are 29 and have achieved nothing,” the father wrote.

Although the father is doing well in a medical center while receiving treatment, a debate has started on social media.

There is an assumption in the country that by 30-years-old, people should be married with kids.

“Marriage has also been an important marker of social maturation and personal success. Given China’s high housing prices and the expectation of men to assume the majority of costs in a household, transitioning to a marriage indicates that the man is socially and financially ready,” said sociology expert Mu Zheng.

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