
Man Arrested After Trying To Stab An Officer With A Pen


A man was arrested after attempting to kidnap a child from a school in Ohio and trying to stab an officer with a pen.

Reid Duran, 35 walked into an open house event on Monday at St. Brigid School, claiming to be the parent of a 5-year-old child. The staff and parents became suspicious of the man and alerted authorities.

Reid admitted to posing as a parent in order to kidnap a 5-year-old female student once the police officers questioned him. He also agreed to go to the station for further questioning. While in the interview room he was caught on video grabbing a pen and attempting to stab the officer in the room with him.

He then tried to escape the room forcing officers to physically restrain him. As of August 23rd, Duran was charged with attempted kidnapping, felonious assault, and escape. He remains in Greene county jail without bond.

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