
Major Texas Cities Rank Top 10 For New Eviction Filings


The rate of evictions in Texas is rising.

Evictions Lab at Princeton University runs a data tracker. It shows that Houston, Dallas- Fort Worth, and Austin are some of the top ten cities for new eviction filings in the early part of April.

The Lab tracks six states and 31 cities. In those locations, landlords have filed 855,963 evictions since the middle of March 2020. From April 3 through April 9, 7, 215 evictions were filed.

In the first three months of 2022, landlords in Houston and the Dallas area have filed over 37,000 evictions. Of the major cities that are tracked, Houston held the record for the second-highest number of evictions filed in the first week of April which was 836.

Austin came in at number eight with 229 evictions filed the first week of April. New York City was first on the list with 1,167 evictions filed during the first week of April.

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