
Kanye West Tattoo Removals Are Being Offered At No Cost


Anyone who has a Kanye West tattoo and doesn’t want it anymore can get it taken off at a removal studio in London for free.

Naama Studios released its “Yeezy come, Yeezy go” offer on Instagram in November.

CEO Briony Garbett commented on the offer.

“Three clients have already started their removal journey with over 10 others booked in for consultations in the coming weeks.”

The procedure costs about $2,400, states Naama’s website.

“We understand that tattoos can be triggering for some people and not everyone can afford to remove their tattos,” Garbett added.

“When you have a tattoo inspired by someone you admire, and they start making headlines for all the wrong reasons, it’s not exactly something you want to wear on your sleeve.”

West, also known as Ye, has been criticized for using antisemitic remarks recently.

On Friday, Elon Musk prohibited him from Twitter again, following West tweeting a picture of a swastika.

West appeared on Alex Jones’ “Infowars” podcast on Thursday with white supremacist Nick Fuentes. There, he constantly talked about the praise he had for Hitler and the Nazis.

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