
Homicides Have Increased In Dallas While Overall Violent Crimes Have Lessened


So far, in 2022, Dallas, Texas’, murder rate has increased, but overall crime has decreased.

On Monday, the Dallas Police Department released new data in regards to its year-old Violent Crime Reduction Strategic Plan.

They added that as of this summer, murders in Dallas are higher than this same time in summer 2021.

DPD has stated that overall street crime, including murders, robbery, and non-family violence aggravated assault, has decreased by 12 percent since 2021.

Police added that robberies dropped from 22 percent to 17 percent as the first year of the crime plan took place, depending on the kind of robbery happened.

Data also revealed that aggravated assaults decreased by 5 percent.

The police data didn’t reveal overall crime statistics.

The department’s strategic plan, made in 2021, was put into place to aim at heightening police presence in areas where there is a high-crime rate.

Police have noted that arrests have lessened, and 911 calls to report a violent offense fell to 20 percent from 50 percent in locations where police are more visible.

Previously, Dallas police statistics revealed that violent crimes had been increasing for three consecutive years before 2021.

“…while we have significant work still ahead of us, we have proven that by working together and putting public safety first at every turn, we can build safe communities,” said Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson.


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