
Heavy Storm Knocks Power Out Of 1 Million Homes and Businesses Leaving At Least 3 Dead


Heavy storms, wind, and hail going up to 80 mph hit Michigan, Ohio, and Arkansas knocking 1 million homes and businesses power out and leaving at least 3 dead.

In Ohio, a woman was killed after a tree fell on her during the storm, according to Toledo Fire and Rescue.

In Michigan, 3,000 power lines was knocked down. A 14-year-old girl touched a downed power line killing herself. Not far away in Warren, Michigan an 8-year-old boy was burned severely from attempting to swing on a hanging live wire.

In Arkansas, a 47-year-old woman attempted to rescue an 11-year-old boy who was being swept into the storm drain. unfortunately, the boy died. The woman was rescued and hospitalized.

More than 500,000 power customers were without power in Indiana.

The storm went from Iowa to Ohio before heading eastward into Pennsylvania. Tens of thousands of outages in Pennsylvania and New York were reported, according to Accuweather.

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