
Happy Twosday! The Most Unique Date In Over Ten Years


Today is February 22, 2022. If you write 2/22/22, it is known as a palindrome. It simply means that it reads the same forward and backward.

The palindrome is on a Tuesday, as well, so it is now being called Twosday.

According to a professor at the University of Portland in Oregon, this is the most unique date in more than 10 years.

“It’s an unbiquitous palindrome date because it’s a palindrome when it’s written in the U.S. format of month, day, year, and the format most other countries follow of day, month, year.”

The last ubiquitous six-digit palindrome date was when the date was written as 11/11/11.

With such an unforgettable date, it is no wonder that many people will be getting married today.

Clark County, Las Vegas, announced issuing their 5 millionth marriage license this past weekend.

Additonally, in Sacramento, California, 222 couples will get hitched at 2:22 p.m. PT., at the State Capitol.

Various resorts are also providing one-time deals for individuals who need to reserve their family vacations.

Lastly, if you type “2/22/2022” into the Google search bar and click enter, you will receive a nice surprise!

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