
Governor Greg Abbott Fully Reopens All Businesses And Ends Mask Mandate


Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that he will be ending all statewide mask mandates and reopening all businesses to full capacity as of March 10.
Abbott made the decision after visiting small businesses in Lubbock.
The new executive order will allow businesses to open at 100% capacity and will no longer require Texans to cover their faces.
According to reports Texans have been required to wear face mask since July 2020 when Dallas County was reporting about 700 new COVID-19 cases per day compared to the 309 reported on Tuesday.
Abbott also says he feels optimistic about this due to the increasing availability of vaccines across the state.
Although Abbott is not mandating masks in businesses anymore the owners can still choose to require mask and limit their capacity.
However people can no longer be jailed or penalized for not wearing mask inside business.
Governor Abbott said, “Despite these changes remember this, removing state mandates does not end personal responsibility personal vigilance is still needed to contain COVID it’s just that now state mandates are no longer needed.”

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