
Governor Greg Abbott Announces No Future Plans For Another Shutdown


Texas has no plans of shutting down again anytime soon declares Gov. Gregg Abbott. Governor Abbott stated on Wednesday, in Houston at the TV station KPRC, that despite the rise in COVID-19 cases there are no movements in closing down any officials business.
He stated on the broadcast that “I get this question, it seems like, a thousand times a day. People are panicking thinking I’m about to shut down Texas again. The answer is no”.
It has been stated that Officials, including Governor Abbott, believe that the spread of COVID-19 can be prevented or slowed down, reducing the numbers of those becoming infected, if the citizens would wear there fask mask or head protective gear.
“If everyone can adopt the practice of wearing a face mask for the next four weeks, we will be able to get COVID-19 under control.” stated by Governor Gregg Abbott.

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