
Georgia Teen Sentenced To Life By Georgia Judge After Choking His Sister To Death Over WiFi Password


A Georgia teen was sentenced to life in prison Friday by a Georgia judge after choking his sister to death over a wifi password.
According to reports Kevon Lamar Watkins who was 16 at the time in 2018 came home from school and changed the family WiFi password so his XBox game system wouldn’t run slow.
His mother came in his room trying to take the system and they began arguing, his sister Alexus Watkins,19 intervened in the argument and the two started fighting.
During the fight Kevon put his sister in a chokehold and refused to let go despite his mother and 13 year old brother trying to stop him.
The mother contacted police and when they arrived Kevon was still choking his sister and did not let go until he heard police instruct him to do so.
Alexus was transported to a nearby hospital where she later died of asphyxiation.
Kevon hired an attorney and requested a bench trial in which the Bibb County Superior Judge Vera Covin found him guilty of murder instead of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced him to life in prison because he had a chance to let go and stop when his 13 year old brother asked him to and he didn’t.


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