
George Zimmerman Filing $100 Million Lawsuit Against Trayvon Martin’s Parents


George Zimmerman is filing a lawsuit against Trayvon Martin’s parents and attorney for defamation and fraud.
Zimmerman was a watchman for a Florida neighborhood in 2012 when he gunned down Trayvon Martin.
He has obtained attorney Larry Klayman and they’re claiming that Martin’s parents, attorney Benjamin Crump, Florida prosecutors Bernie de la Rionda and the state of Florida used a fake witness to testify against Zimmerman in his 2013 murder trial.

Klayman who is a former prosecutor and the founder of the watchdog group Judicial Watch says they believe Martin’s parents were aware of the alleged actions.
They say Rachel Jeantel was an imposter and that she was coached on what to say during the trial.
Zimmerman and Klayman will be holding a news conference on December 5 at the Coral Gables Art Cinema at noon and are inviting all media.
After the conference Joel Gilbert will be showing a short film The Trayvon Martin Hoax: Unmasking Witness Fraud that Divided America which claims that Trayvon was not talking to Jeantel at the time of his murder but a girl named Brittany Diamond Eugene, who they say was switched out because she didn’t want to lie under oath.

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