
Former Three Springs Counselor Pleads Guilty To HavinG Sex With A 13 Year Old


A former Alabama counselor has plead guilty to having sexual contact with a 13 year old student at Three Springs Youth Center.
According to reports Amanda Williams,30 performed oral sex on a student back in June of 2017 while she was working at the home.
Williams was arrested in July of 2017 on charges of having sexual contact with two students and was later indicted by Madison County Grand Jury on four felony charges.
She went to court Monday and is facing up to 20 years in prison for second degree sodomy charges.
Williams is being charged with three counts of having sexual contact with students and one count of second degree sodomy.
As part of her guilty plea for the sodomy charges the prosecutor dismissed her remaining charges.
Madison County Circuit Judge Donna Pate will sentence Williams later this year and she will be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life.

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