
Former Dallas Police Officer Bryan Riser Set To Be Released From Jail Wednesday Due To Insufficient Evidence


Former Dallas police officer Bryan Riser will be released from jail Wednesday following a preliminary hearing where all charges against him have been dropped.
Riser had been recently accused of hiring three men, Kevin Kidd, Emmanuel Kilpatrick and Jermon Simmons, to kill Albert Douglas and Lisa Saenz in 2017.
After a preliminary hearing Dallas County Criminal Court Judge Audrey Moorehead believes there was not enough evidence against Riser to support the allegations.
Riser, who has been claiming his innocence since day one was heard letting out a heavy sigh of relief after the judge announced her decision.
Dallas County Assistant District Attorney Jason Fine said in a statement, “We have an obligation — under the U.S. Constitution, under the Texas Consitution, under the Code of Criminal Procedure, under our duty as prosecutors — to see that justice is done.
If we get to a point in any case, no matter who the defendant is, no matter who the witnesses are, that we feel there is insufficient probable cause, we have to alert the defense and alert the court. We have to do something. We can’t just sit by.”
The District Attorney’s office said in a statement that although there is insufficient evidence right now, that does not mean the case is closed and if new evidence is obtained that the case will continue to move forward again.

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