
Florida teacher resigns after sheriff reveals her explicit video chats with inmate boyfriend while working.

Donna-Barber.webp linkedin


A teacher in Florida has resigned after the local sheriff’s office discovered she had been engaging in explicit video chats with her prison inmate boyfriend during work hours at school.

Donna Barber, 52, was told it was likely she’d be terminated from her Franklin County School District, but she instead elected to step down. She worked as a teacher for nearly 30 years and was close to retirement.

Sheriff A.J. Smith was assigned to monitor the video chats of inmates at the local prison. Smith found that Barber was undressing during some of her calls with inmate Lawrence Ray and also engaged in sexual conversation.

“Jail is not a resort,” Smith told the New York Post. “People in jail need to abide by the rules, you have to have order. Otherwise, you can have chaos, and it can be dangerous for the staff that has to deal with the inmates.”

Smith initially released a video to Facebook earlier this month about his concerns with inappropriate correspondence between prisoners and their visitors, pointing to Barber’s case. But the sheriff removed the video because it prompted inappropriate comments.

The local state attorney said the case did not warrant criminal charges, but Barber’s school began investigating the matter due to Smith releasing the video.

People who participate in video chats with inmates are required to consent to the prison’s rules, including that the conversation may be monitored or recorded and that illegal or inappropriate conduct, such as indecent exposure, will not be allowed.

Videos may also be stopped randomly by the employees monitoring the calls if they consider them inappropriate.


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