
Family Files Lawsuit After Man Dies After Being Run Over By Police Cruiser


The relatives of Eric Cole, a man who died after being run over by a police car, have filed a lawsuit against the Springfield, Ohio, police and dispatchers.

42-year-old Cole died on June 13, 2021, when a police cruiser, that had come to the scene after Cole placed a call, ran him over while he was laying on the street. He had initially been shot during a gun battle that he had started.

After an autopsy was conducted, it was found that Cole died from blunt force trauma, not the gunshot injury.

Civil Rights attorney Ben Crump is now representing the family.

Amanda Rosales has been named as the Springfield officer who ran over Cole. Her actions were said to have been accidental.

“The family believes that the Springfield Police Department only told the truth about Eric’s cause of death when a coroner revealed that it was blunt force trauma from the police cruiser, not the survivable gunshot wound to the shoulder,” Crump stated on Tuesday.

The lawsuit also identifies dispatchers Erin Reynolds and Mary Herge as defendants.

“Both Reynolds and Herge were dispatchers who spoke to Eric after he was shot in a domestic dispute. The lawsuit alleges that both dispatchers recklessly failed to properly relay Eric’s location to officers responding to the scene and other dispatchers.”

Additionally, it was noted that Cole’s relatives believe that authorities failed to contact EMS immediately to inform them that Eric had been run over, “preventing him from receiving life-saving medical care.”


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