
EX-Drug Dealer Sworn In As Attorney Before Same Judge Who Challenged Him To Change His Life


Sixteen years ago, Ed Martel fell victim to his environment and was a dropout. He hung around the wrong crowd and was involved in the drug culture. After finding himself in trouble with the law several times, he faced Judge Bruce Morrow. Expecting to receive 1 -20 year prison sentence, Martel instead received three years probation and motivation.
“I dare you to be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, instead of out here selling drugs,” the Judge told him. Martel took on this challenge. He enrolled at a local community college and then ended up with a full scholarship to law school at the University of Detroit-Mercy.
The state board heard is story and decided not to let his past dictate his future. Martel was sworn in by Morrow. He credits Morrow for believing in him when he didn’t believe in himself.

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