
District Requests Principal Remove Wedding Anniversary Photo from Social Media


The principal at Colleyville Heritage High is very concerned. James Whitfield said his bosses demanded that he remove a picture on social media. He was embracing his wife. Additionally, he said that the district didn’t give any explanation as to why.

Many parents at the school are upset with him, suspecting him of teaching critical race theory.

After checking his email as directed, he saw a photo of him and his wife on the beach.  Also, they were commemorating their wedding anniversary. Furthermore, the picture was taken by a professional photographer.

“Is this Dr. Whitfield we want leading our schools?” a comment stated under the picture. Kerrie, Whitfield’s wife, believed that it meant a black man with a tattoo on his arm was not right. James believed it referred to his interracial relationship.

After going public with the incident, Whitfield has received a lot of support from parents, including a petition.


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