The Food and Child Nutrition Services Department in DISD will be serving free meals to students over the Thanksgiving break.
They will be offering meals at select locations Monday November 27 through Wednesday November 27.
Morning snacks will be served from 9am to 9:30am and lunch from 12pm to 12:30pm.
The program is free to all students 18 and younger.
Benjamin Franklin International Exploratory Academy
Blair WA
Botello Felix G
Cochran Nancy J
Garza Trinidad
Geneva Heights Elementary
Gill Charles A
Hall L K
Lee Umphrey
Medrano Francisco Pancho
Pinkston L G
Polk KB
Rogers Dan D
Saldivar Julian
Seagoville North ES
Spruce H Grady
Tasby SAM
Thomas C Marsh Preparatory Academy
Webster Daniel
Wilmer Hutchins ES
Young Whitney
Young Men’s Leadership Academy
Zaragoza Ignacio
What an interesting story! I’m glad I finally found what I was looking for
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